On today’s episode of Digging Deeper, Andrew O’Donnell catches up with:
Gareth Thomas (President, CEO & Director) Westhaven Gold TSX-V: WHN
Nicholas Houghton (President, CEO & Director) West Mining CSE: WEST
WEST MINING https://www.westminingcorp.ca/
WEST MINING CORP. (“WEST”) is a mineral explorationn company focused on acquiring and exploring advanced and prospective early-stage projects. Advancing Multi-Million Ounce Gold & Copper Potential in BC’s Golden Arc. twitter: @WestMiningCorp https://twitter.com/westminingcorp
NEWS 1/25/22 https://www.westminingcorp.ca/news
West Mining Enters into Letter of Intent for Blue Cove Copper Property, Newfoundland.
Westhaven is a gold-focused exploration company advancing the high-grade discovery on the Shovelnose project in Canada’s newest gold district, the Spences Bridge Gold Belt. Westhaven controls 37,000ha (370km2) with four 100% owned gold properties spread along this underexplored belt. The flagship Shovelnose property is situated off a major highway, in close proximity to power, rail, large producing mines, and within commuting distance from the city of Merritt, which translates into low-cost exploration. These relatively underexplored volcanic rocks are highly prospective for epithermal style gold mineralization.
Digging Deeper with Andrew O’Donnell is brought to you by The Market Mindset and Red Cloud Media. themarketmindset.ca
A livestream conversation presenting key drivers, urgency, and opportunity to investors. We are at a pivotal point in history, a truly important tipping point where the need for metals and minerals is critical to the nature of energy, technology, food, and transportation. Undoubtedly the entire world is going through a transformation, a Great Reset and people must understand that at its very foundation mining is the driver. It is each pillar and keystone to support new technology in energy, driving our blockchain, 5G city of the world. On top of this chain of custody and logistics will be critical. Knowing where your ore comes from will matter. Was it done to standard? This world is coming fast.
How is the company, even at a grassroots level, ready for this shift? How will it help the push toward the green dream? This is a sponsored program with Red Cloud Media and The Market Mindset (previously Supercharged Stocks). The intention of the ‘show’ is to not only bring more quality projects to our subscribers but a way for us to offer a full range of mining projects, a full portfolio of timeframes, risk and metals to our group and new generalist investors. We want to introduce the story, vetted by the incredible Red Cloud team to our viewers.