Mark Brennan (CEO & Co-Chairman)
Cerrado Gold John Proust (Chairman & CEO) Japan Gold
The Company owns Minera Don Nicolas, located in Santa Cruz, Argentina, a newly producing high-grade gold mine with significant optimization, expansion, and exploration potential. In Brazil, the Company is focused on expanding the resource base at its prolific, high-grade Monte do Carmo gold project in Tocantins State.
Cerrado’s executive team has a long history of success developing numerous mining projects from early stage exploration, through development and production in South America.
Japan Gold Corp. : Japan Gold Corp. (TSX-V: JG) (OTCQB: JGLDF) is a Canadian mineral exploration company leveraging its first-mover advantage as the first foreign exploration company to focus entirely on gold opportunities in Japan. The Company holds a portfolio of 31 Gold Projects which cover areas with known gold occurrences, a history of mining and are prospective for high-grade epithermal gold mineralization. The main Japan islands of Hokkaido, Honshu and Kyushu have at least 6 distinct epithermal gold provinces hosting greater than 70 historically producing gold mines, including five +1 million ounce deposits.
A livestream conversation presenting key drivers, urgency, and opportunity to investors. We are at a pivotal point in history, a truly important tipping point where the need for metals and minerals is critical to the nature of energy, technology, food, and transportation. Undoubtedly the entire world is going through a transformation, a Great Reset and people must understand that at its very foundation mining is the driver. It is each pillar and keystone to support new technology in energy, driving our blockchain, 5G city of the world. On top of this chain of custody and logistics will be critical. Knowing where your ore comes from will matter. Was it done to standard? This world is coming fast.